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Day 5 post op

Last evening was a little fraught again – it always seems the evenings are the worst but then that is the same with us humans if we are not well in some way! Barney was very restless again just could not get comfortable. He has taken his coverings off, his stitches are all still intact and look good, at least as good as it can look. He seems happy enough during the day, he is eating and drinking loads and just being our waggy tail Barney, so I think things are going on OK. Unfortunately as the day gets longer the fluid seems to build up and obviously is very uncomfortable for him, which make us more anxious, but come the morning things seems to have settled again and the swelling from the fluid is less severe.

Barney normally sleeps in the kitchen where he has his own bed and to give him much needed quiet time which also helps us to be able to get on with things, so we have started to use the collar/hood, this gives him the right “hump” which stops him licking at his stitches, but he lays down and rests, which we think can only be a good thing.

I have included a couple of pictures of his “site” the bruising doesn’t appear to be as red this morning as it was yesterday. We think because of the extra resting times.

I am hoping his ruff wear harness comes tomorrow as promised.

Day 5 post op in the morning

Day 5 post op in the morning

Day 5 post op in the morning.

Day 5 post op in the morning.

2 Responses to “Day 5 post op”

  1.   wyattraydawg Says:

    Hey Barney, that’s a neat scar you’ve got there!

    Don’t worry, you’ll be feeling good again soon. We’re sending lots of good thoughts your way.

    We hope your Ruffwear harness arrives too, let us know if it doesn’t OK? I’ll go out there and find it myself 😉

  2.   Chris Says:

    Hello wyattraydawg, Thank you so much for your best wishes – I love to read all these messages. Feeling much better today and I got my new harness. Haven’t managed to put it on yet a bit too close to the scar. You take care, Barney