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Day 8 post Op

Barney seems to be getting on really well. He his hopping about quite easily. He does shoot his head right round to the base of his tail and if we rub him quite firmly along his spine a look of pure heaven comes over his face. We are not sure if this is phantom leg pain, fur growing back or what. Other than that swelling is looking good as is the bruising.
We visited the vets this morning for pre chemo blood test, weight and lots and lots of questions. Our regular vet had his day off but the one we saw was really really good. Me and Pat were so anxious about the blood test and how Barney was going to react but absolutley no worries there. We are going to have to be like our dog and not worry about things before they happen, just go with the flow…. and that’s going to be so easy lol!
The vet said that he probably would have had an epidural and there might be some tingling sensation down his spine this will ease with time.
After his little walk this morning and the vets visit Barney is zonked out in doors but in the sunshine.
Chemo tomorrow I will keep you posted.

2 Responses to “Day 8 post Op”

  1.   jakesmom Says:

    Good luck with Barney’s chemo tomorrow!!! Keep us posted on his progress!!! And post some more pictures of your cutie real soon!!

    Jake’s Mom

  2.   Chris Says:

    Thank you will let you know